Monday Car Shipping Spikes: Why Do They Happen and What It Means for You

Monday Car Shipping Spikes: Why Do They Happen and What It Means for You


Every Monday, there’s a noticeable spike in car shipping requests.

Ever wondered why that is?

You’re not alone.

If you’re in the market for car shipping, you’ve probably noticed this trend yourself, or maybe you’re hearing about it for the first time.

Monday car shipping spikes have become a hot topic in the transport industry, and today we’re diving deep into why this phenomenon occurs, how it impacts car shipping services, and what you can do to navigate it.

Why Does Car Shipping Spike on Mondays?

Let’s face it, Mondays already have a reputation for being the busiest day of the week. But why would car shipping specifically see a surge in activity?

It boils down to a few key reasons:

  1. Weekend Car Sales: Most car purchases, whether at dealerships or from private sellers, happen over the weekend. People close deals and then need to arrange transport first thing on Monday morning.
  2. Business Logistics: Dealerships and businesses often finalize their weekly logistics on Mondays, causing an influx in shipping requests at the start of the week.
  3. Customer Planning: Many people spend the weekend researching and planning their car shipping, leading to a flood of booking confirmations on Monday.
  4. Catch-Up Day: For shipping companies, Monday is the day to catch up on delayed shipments or requests from the previous week. This backlog leads to higher demand.

This explains the spike, but what does it mean for you as a customer?

The Impact of Monday Car Shipping Spikes on Pricing

One thing that you’ll definitely feel on a Monday is pricing.

When there’s more demand, car shipping companies can raise prices.

It’s simple supply and demand economics.

On a typical Monday, the increased volume of requests leads to:

  • Higher Prices: Carriers and brokers may hike up their rates to accommodate the surge in demand.
  • Longer Wait Times: If you book your car shipment on Monday, you may have to wait longer for a slot compared to someone booking later in the week.
  • Limited Carrier Availability: The busiest carriers get booked out first, leaving fewer options for shippers.

But here’s the good news—this surge doesn’t last long.

By mid-week, prices tend to stabilize, and more shipping options become available.

How to Avoid the Monday Car Shipping Price Surge

Some average users might be wondering, “How do I prevent such hypes?”

Good news—you can.

Here’s how:

  1. Book Ahead: Instead of waiting until Monday, plan ahead. You can avoid the surge by booking your car shipment during the week or scheduling ahead of time.
  2. Look for Off-Peak Days: Many car shippers report that prices and demand drop slightly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. These are prime days to lock in your transport for less.
  3. Flexible Shipping Dates: If you’re not tied to a strict timeline, allowing for flexible pickup and delivery dates can help you secure a better rate and avoid the Monday rush.
  4. Negotiate: Yes, you can negotiate prices! Especially with independent carriers or smaller shipping companies. You can sometimes talk them down if you’re savvy.

Real-Life Example of Monday Car Shipping Spikes

Take Sarah, for instance.

She bought a new car online on Sunday and needed it shipped from California to Texas.

Naturally, she went to book on Monday morning.

The first quote she got? A whopping $1,200—far higher than she expected.

After doing some research, she realized that she’d fallen into the Monday car shipping spike.

Instead of rushing to book, she decided to wait until Wednesday.

By mid-week, she found a new quote for just $950—saving $250 by avoiding the Monday rush.

Why Shipping Brokers Love Monday Spikes

Car shipping brokers love Mondays.

It’s a field day for them.

With the influx of demand, they can set higher rates, and it’s easier for them to fill trucks and routes.

Many brokers will actually hold off on quoting lower prices late in the week, knowing they can charge more on Monday.

So, if you’re working with a broker, be aware that you might be paying a “Monday premium.”

It’s smart to compare quotes from a few different brokers or shipping companies to get the best rate, regardless of the day.

What Does Monday Mean for Carriers?

For car carriers, Mondays are a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, they can fill their schedules quickly.

On the other hand, with so many requests, it can be hard to manage it all.

Carriers prioritize the most profitable routes, which means that some shipments may get delayed if they don’t fit neatly into the week’s schedule.

For this reason, Monday shipments sometimes end up being pushed to Tuesday or Wednesday.

This is especially true if you’re shipping to a remote location, where carriers have fewer trucks available.

Mid-Week Shipping: A Hidden Opportunity

Most people aim to ship their cars early in the week, but mid-week can be the sweet spot for securing lower rates and faster shipping times.

If you can wait until Wednesday or Thursday, you’re likely to:

  • Get Lower Rates: Fewer requests mean carriers are more willing to lower their prices.
  • Faster Turnaround: With fewer shipments, carriers can process and transport your vehicle faster.
  • More Flexibility: Carriers have more time to accommodate specific requests when they aren’t slammed with Monday bookings.

External Factors That Can Influence Shipping Spikes

While Monday sees a general rise in shipping activity, external factors can influence this further.

For instance:

  • Seasonality: Summer months and the holidays often see increased demand for car shipping, pushing Monday spikes even higher.
  • Fuel Prices: When fuel costs rise, shipping companies pass those costs on to consumers, making Monday spikes even steeper.
  • Weather: Severe weather, like hurricanes or snowstorms, can disrupt shipping schedules, creating bottlenecks that lead to price hikes.

Final Thoughts on Monday Car Shipping Spikes

The Monday car shipping spikes are real, and understanding them can save you both time and money.

If you’re shipping a vehicle, plan ahead, avoid Mondays when possible, and always compare prices.

And remember—there’s no need to panic if Monday is your only option. Just be prepared for slightly higher rates.

By being strategic about when and how you book, you can navigate the Monday spike like a pro and get your car shipped without breaking the bank.

Ready to ship?

Make sure you’re not caught in the Monday madness.

Plan, compare, and stay flexible to save both time and cash.

This way, you’ll avoid the worst of the spikes and ensure a smooth, stress-free experience.

Good luck, and happy shipping!

FAQ: Monday Car Shipping Spikes

Q: Are all car shipping companies affected by the Monday spike?

A: Generally, yes. However, smaller or independent carriers may not experience the same level of demand and might offer lower prices.

Q: Is Monday always the most expensive day to ship?

A: While not always the most expensive, Monday typically sees higher prices due to increased demand. It’s always best to shop around.

Q: Can I save money by avoiding Monday shipping spikes?

A: Absolutely. Booking mid-week or choosing flexible shipping dates can save you significant money, sometimes hundreds of dollars.

Q: Should I avoid shipping cars altogether on Monday?

A: Not necessarily. If Monday is your only option, go ahead and book. Just be prepared to pay a bit more and perhaps deal with longer wait times.

Q: How far in advance should I book to avoid Monday spikes?

A: If you want to avoid Monday pricing, try booking 5-7 days in advance. This gives you time to find a good rate and secure your shipping.

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